The weekly photo challenge that gets you photographing more and procrastinating less.
It doesn’t matter what camera you use as long you use it. So if all you have is your mobile phone don’t be embarrassed, you can still complete the challenges.
The podcast will be released weekly on Friday giving you one topic to inspire you and photographing more.
The challenges are designed to make you think and push you out of your comfort zone.
Simply plan your session, shoot it, edit and upload to social media using the hashtag #yop #yearofphotos
It’s important not to get caught up in what everyone else is posting. But use it as inspiration rather than a measure of how good or bad your photos are.
I created these photo challenges for myself to help me see differently since a lot of the work I’m commissioned to do is repetitive. Been able to see the same subject differently, helped reduce the boredom and resulted in my clients getting better results from me.
That’s the reason I created this website and podcast and If I inspire one photographer then I’ll be happy 🙂
About the host
Hi i’m Mike, I’ve been an event photographer for over 15 yrs. I love to geek out about photography workflows and I also host the “ Ask a photographer podcast “.
I started as a sports photographer, which led into event work for professional sports clubs and corporate events.
I use Canon equipment and my favorite lens is the 70-200 2.8 IS, It’s sharp and versatile.
My favourite workflow time savers are my custom lightroom presets and a super fast SSD and memory cards.
When i’m not carrying a full kit. I like to use my Canon s95. A simple point and shoot with dials for shutter speed, aperture and ISO. It also shoots in RAW and fits in your pocket.